This is a 10 x 5.5 cm bamboo matcha tea whisk (also known as "chasen") with 75 prongs. It was split by one piece of bamboo. Each tine in the chasen is delicately curled by hand using traditional japanese techniques which deliver the ultimate authentic tool for a smooth and frothy matcha.
To use it, simply pour nearly boiling water over your pre-measured matcha. Whisk it until the liquid is consistent and frothy. Consume it just the way it is or mixed with milk. Froth your mik for a warm matcha latte or pour it cold for an iced matcha latte. It is recommended that matcha tea is consumed immediately. If you let it sit, matcha powder will sink to the bottom of you cup.
Please Note: As this matcha tea whisk is made of natural bamboo, you need to dry it after using and place it on a dry place.
Interesting fact: Whisking Matcha powder into frothy lather not only helps blend you tea, but also brings out the inner mellow taste of the tea.